2013年9月23日 星期一

Inspiring Graffiti by Lori Smith questions

1.    When was this photo taken?
It was Loris Smith’s first year at university.
2.    Who took the photo?
Lori Smith.
3.    Where was this photo taken?
It was taken round the corner from her halls of residence, where someone had painted the quote onto the fence round a building site.
4.    Why was this photo taken?
The writer thought that it was very inspiring.
5.    Why is this photo meaningful for the writer?
The writer thought the words on the wall is inspiring.
6.    What is the story behind this photo?
The gay person in this village want everyone’s respect and accept.
7.    Who are the characters in the story?
      Lori Smith and the halls of residence are in the story.
8.    Where is the setting?
Gay village.
9.    What are the series of Events?
The author meets lots of special experiences in this village.
10. What is the 'tension' generated in the story?
"Some people who aren’t as accepting gay person; who don’t understand and make life hell for people whose only crime is being different."
11. What is the climax in the story?
The author thought that this was a marvelous discovery for her as the unthreatening atmosphere in most of the bars meant that it was a place where a few girls could go out to have fun on their own without any hassle.
12. What is the resolution?
Someone who don’t agree changes their attitudes, and they can accept.
13. What is the message behind the story?
''There are a few who are trying to change attitudes, even if it is just by using a spray can and a blank wall."

